Effort Create Great Achievements丨China Coal Group And China Transportation Group Successfully Hold 2024 Pledge Meeting

Time : 2024-02-29 Click: 116
In the afternoon of February 29, the 2024 Pledge Conference of China Coal Group and China Transportation Group was held in the conference center.

In the afternoon of February 29, the 2024 Pledge Conference of China Coal Group and China Transportation Group was held in the conference center. Qu Qing, Chairman of China Coal Group and China Transportation Group, Han Yong, General Manager of China Coal Group, Li Zhenbo, General Manager of China Transportation Group and General Manager of Informatization of China Coal Group and China Transportation Group, Yu Cui, Executive Vice President of China Coal Group and General Manager of E-commerce Company, Shao Hua, Executive Vice President of China Coal Group and General Manager of China Coal and China Transportation Group Manufacturing Corporation, Hou Jiawei, Vice General Manager of China Coal Group and Vice General Manager of China Coal and China Transportation Group Manufacturing Corporation, Xu Zhiwei, Vice General Manager of China Coal Group and Vice General Manager of Electricity Company. Deputy General Manager and Deputy General Manager of the Electricity Company, Xu Zhihan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, Guan Chenghui, Deputy Secretary of the Group, Lu Shuli, as well as the companies under the Group, the directors of the factories of China Coal and China Transportation Manufacturing Corporation, and all the cadres and workers participated in the Pledge Assembly, which was opened by the national anthem with the passion of all the generals and soldiers of China Coal.

First of all, the chairman of China Coal Group and China Transportation Group, Mr. Qu Qing, announced the decision to appoint the cadres of the group in 2024, and put forward his earnest hope for the appointed cadres. He hoped that we will further drum up the vigor and excitement of the spirit, carry forward the good style of hard work and practical work, and strive in the new starting point of the new position, to want to do, dare to do, hard work, good for the new style to show a new role, do new performance, open a new situation, and effectively serve as a good high-quality development of the "Main Force".

Han Yong, the general manager of China Coal Group, issued the general mobilization order to lay out the group's future diversified strategic development plan, clarify the direction of progress, and pool the strength of progress. Han Yong pointed out in his speech that in the past and future, China Coal Group has always adhered to innovation and made brilliant achievements. Thank all the staff for their concerted efforts and hard work. While making demands on the work of all employees for 2024, Mr. Han made a self statement, stating that in 2024, he will adhere to the strategic deployment of the company and the chairman, lead everyone to anchor goals, execute and implement departmental and individual business responsibilities, live up to the deep expectations of the group, and the sincere trust of employees. With a posture of "Starting With A Sprint, Starting With A Decisive Battle", he will forge ahead and make new achievements in urban construction with unity.

Later, Li Zhenbo, General Manager of China Transport Group and General Manager of China Coal Group and China Transport Group Information Technology, Yu Cui, Executive Deputy General Manager of China Coal Group and General Manager of E-Commerce Company, Shao Hua, Executive Deputy General Manager of China Coal Group and General Manager of China Coal Group and China Transport Manufacturing Corporation, made speeches respectively, expressing their positions on their respective work, and will do their work well with full enthusiasm and firm confidence, and seize the moment with the spirit of no waiting for the time, Devote oneself to their respective positions and strive to achieve the company's vision.

Hou Jiawei, Deputy General Manager of China Coal Group and Deputy General Manager of China Coal and Sinotrans Manufacturing Corporation, and Xu Zhihan, Deputy General Manager of China Coal Group and Deputy General Manager of E-Commerce Corporation, as members of the leadership of Xinjin Group, made statements respectively, thanking the leadership of the Group for the trust they have given. They will live up to expectations, follow a dedicated, diligent and pragmatic working attitude, lead by example, do their own work with all their heart, and ensure the steady progress of all work, Contribute to the high-quality development of the group.

General managers of companies under the Group and factory directors of middling coal and China Transportation Manufacturing Corporation made statements in turn and led their teams to take the oath. The statements and speeches of the leaders are the horn of action. They have respectively outlined the development prospects of their respective departments, responsible companies, and departments in 2024, clarifying their goals and directions. They depicted beautiful blueprints with passionate words, igniting the passion of employees, inspiring their fighting spirit, and making them full of expectations for the future, moving forward courageously in their future work.

Finally, under the oath of Yu Cui, Executive Vice President of China Coal Group and General Manager of E-commerce Company, all cadres and workers of the Group took a collective oath: I am resolutely loyal to China Coal Group, support the leadership of the Group, and safeguard the interests of the Group. Love and dedication to their jobs, loyal to their duties, strict self-discipline, carry forward the team spirit, sincere collaboration, and strive for excellence. Always practice the corporate mission of "Responsible For The Country, Responsible For The Society, Responsible For The Customers, Responsible For The Employees", and work hard to complete the annual task objectives set by the Group!

Raise the battle flag and sound the horn! The overwhelming momentum of all employees of China Coal Group has swept the conference center. Every oath is forceful and every oath is forceful. It is the confidence in victory, the defense of honor, and the desire for success. Everyone will spare no effort to achieve the goals of 2024. All hearts come together, who can compete! This is a passionate oath, but also a firm prospect. All employees of China Coal Group are ready to move forward with indomitable struggle towards the common goal.

The horn of 2024 has been blown, all the staff of China Coal will be guided by the strategy of the group, with full of passion, upward attitude and never give up, join hands together, put into the market battle in 2024, and create new performance and write a new chapter of China Coal Group with the attitude of a doer, a front-runner and a striver. The conference came to a successful end in the stirring and majestic "Song of China Coal", the scene arrayed neatly and the song was loud and clear, singing out the fighting spirit and determination of China Coal people to draw the blueprint together with the initial heart as a bright light.

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