Product Introduction

Features of Loop Calibrator
The fast, one-handed tool for loop checks. Just click to calibrate.
This feature-rich solution combines the best features push-button and knob-base loop calibrator and offers:
Large display and simple, quick-click interface for easy one-handed operation.
mA accuracy of 0.025%, superior to other loop calibrators in this price range.
Simultaneous mA and % readout for quick, easy interpretation of readings.
1 μA resolution for mA source, simulate and measure.
Selectable slow ramp, fast ramp, and step ramp to provide smooth outputs for valve slewing and loop functional tests.

0-100% ‘span check’ for fast confirmation of zero and span.
24 volt internal loop supply, so you can power and read a transmitter at the same time without carrying a DMM.
HART ? mode connects 250 Ω resistor in series with 24 V loop for compatibility with HART communicators.
Measures V dc to 28 V.
Single 9V battery that is easily changed without braking calibration seal
Push button 25% steps for fast, easy linearity checks.
0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA default start up modes.
Innovative output adjustment dial with 1 μA and 100 resolution.

Main Parameter

Current Measurement


0 to 24 mA


0.001 mA


0.025% Rdg + 2 LSD

Current Sourcing


0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA


0.025% Rdg + 2 LSD

Drive Capability:

1200 Ω; 950 Ω at 20 mA in HART mode

Current Simulation


0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA


0.025% Rdg + 2 LSD

Ext. loop voltage requirement:

12-30 V

Loop Power

While measuring mA, 24 V

Voltage measurement


0 to 28 V DC


1 mV


0.025% Rdg + 2 LSD

Environmental Specifications

Operating Temperature

-10oC to 55oC

Storage    Temperature

-30oC to 60oC

Humidity (Without Condensation)

0 to 90% (0oC to 35oC); 0 to 70% (35oC to 55oC)

Temperature Coefficient

-10oC to 18oC, 28oC to 55oC, ±.005% of range per oC

Figure Photos

 YHS717 Battery Digital Loop Calibrators 4 to 20ma Current SourceYHS717 Battery Digital Loop Calibrators 4 to 20ma Current Source

B/L of The History Trading

YHS717 Battery Digital Loop Calibrators 4 to 20ma Current Source

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